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Not to far, behind the recruiters, you will find the vendors, one for Omni-Tek employees, and one for the people of the clans (neutrals cant upgrade newcomer's armor or buy/use any of these items).

This is what the clan vendor has to offer:

Joint Clans Shades Joint Clans Shades                  Clan BadgeJoint Clan Badge
Price: 6,300 creds                              Price: 52 creds

Melee. Init. 10                                   This will upgrade newcomer's armor into
Ranged. Init. 10                                 Joint clans newcomer's armor.
Physic. Init 10
NanoC. Init. 5

This is what the omni-tek vendor has to offer:

Omni-Tek Sunglasses Omni-Tek Sunglasses             Omni BadgeOmni Badge
Price: 6,300 creds                              Price: 52 creds

Melee. Init. 10                                   This will upgrade newcomer's armor into
Ranged. Init. 10                                 Omni-Tek newcomer's armor
Physic. Init 10
NanoC. Init. 5
Perception 5
Psychology 5

Omni-Tek ArmorOmni-Tek Armor                     Omni-ChampagneOmni-Champagne
Price: 525 creds                                 Price: 367 creds
Need 10 tokens or more to
Melee/ma AC 10

Omni-Tek Smelling SaltsOmni-Tek Smeling Salts               Omni-tek Technical LibraryOmni-Tek Technical Library
Price: 5,250 creds                              Price: 8,400 creds
Need Intelligence and Sense 30+          Need Tutoring 50+
Sense 3                                           Elec. Engi 15
Nano Resist 3                                    Mech. Engi 15
Map Navig. 3                                     Weap Smt 15
Chemical AC 30                                  Quantum FT 15
Disease AC 30                                    Nano Prog 15

To read about newcomer's armor, and how to upgrade it click here.


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    Last Updated: 01/06/2005 02:12:56 PM -0400
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